American Heart Association BLS CPR Classes. Two year certifications given at time of successful completion.
With over 30 years of CPR instruction experience, you can be sure you're learning from the best!
Not a healthcare professional? Then you need our Heartsaver CPR and/or First Aid classes.
See below for prices and description.
We Offer Two Class Options
Group and Individual
1. Group Class Are Taught At Your Company Location. Minimum 5 Students
Call To Schedule Your Group Class
2. A Class Taught For An Individual - These Are Taught In Two Parts. First, Purchase The AHA Online Course, Watch The Videos (approx 3 hrs.) And Print Your Completion Document. Second, Schedule Your In Person Skills Check At Our La Habra Location (approx 30 min) (separate payment) Where You Will Earn Your 2 Year AHA E-Card Certification.
Click The Link Under The Classes Below To Schedule Both Online
Have A Question? - 626-213-6389
BLS Provider Course
Healthcare Provider Level
$85 Per person group class at your company location - Call to schedule
$88 Individual course program. Click here to schedule online session and in-person skills check
This course includes 1 and 2 rescuer, infant, child, adult CPR and AED. 2 year certification. Written test.
BLS Provider Recertification Course
$75 Per person - Group class at your company location - Call to schedule
It is required that you bring your current BLS card and present it at the class.
Heartsaver First Aid CPR/AED
$75 Per person - Group class at your company location - Call to schedule
$75 Individual course program. Click here to schedule online session and in-person skills check
​Adult CPR/AED; can include infant and child CPR/AED. Basic first aid topics: rescuer duties, victim and rescuer safety, universal precautions, asthma, allergic reactions, epinephrine pin, heart attack, fainting, diabetes, stroke, seizure, shock, controlling bleeding, wounds, penetrating and puncturing objects, tooth and eye injuries, amputations, head/neck/and spine injuries, broken bones and sprains, burns and electrical injuries, bites and stings, heat and cold related emergencies, poisoning.
Pediatric Heartsaver First Aid CPR/AED
$85 Per person - Group class at your company location Call to schedule
$75 Individual course program. Click here to schedule online session and in-person skills check
Infant, Child and Adult CPR/AED. Pediatric first aid topics: Indoor/outdoor injury prevention, motor vehicle safety, universal precautions, first aid action plan, suspected child abuse, interacting with children, controlling bleeding, shock, allergic reactions, epinephrine pin, asthma, dehydration, diabetes, heat exhaustion/heat stroke, hypothermia, drowning, amputations, bits and stings, broken bones, sprains, burns and electrical injuries, eye injuries, fainting, fever, frostbite, head/neck/and spine injuries, penetrating and puncturing injuries, poisoning, seizures, splinters and tooth injuries. Optional: nebulizer training for child care providers.
Heartsaver CPR and AED
$65 Per person - Group class at your company location - Call to schedule
$70 Individual course program. Click here to schedule online session and in-person skills check
Adult and child CPR/AED; can include infant CPR.
Heartsaver First Aid
$65 Per person - Group class at your company location - Call to schedule
$70 Individual course program. Click here to schedule online session and in-person skills check
Basic first aid topics: rescuer duties, victim and rescuer safety, universal precautions, asthma, allergic reactions, epinephrine pin, heart attack, fainting, diabetes, stroke, seizure, shock, controlling bleeding, wounds, penetrating and puncturing objects, tooth and eye injuries, amputations, head/neck/and spine injuries, broken bones and sprains, burns and electrical injuries, bites and stings, heat and cold related emergencies, poisoning.
What Is It?
The American Heart Basic Life Support CPR class trains you to promptly acknowledge various critical emergencies. Not the least of these is the need to provide high-quality chest compressions, deliver effective ventilations and supply early use of any available AED. Our classes reflect science and education from the American Heart Association guidelines for cardiac resuscitation and Emergency Care.
BLS CPR - Who Needs It?
The American Heart BLS Class is meant for professionals in the health care industry as well as other workers that need to perform cardiac resuscitation and different basic life saving skills for in-facility and prehospital locations.
BLS Course Choices
What Skills Will This Class Teach?
Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation for adults, children, and infants.
Understanding the Chain of Survival, specifically the BLS elements.
Early use of an AED.
The importance of using a barrier device while giving effective ventilations.
How to be an effective group member and how to make the best use of a team in a multi rescuer event.
Relief of an airway obstruction for a choking victim.